The quickest, safest and most affordable way to see the lovely Tanzania landscape

At Bodaboda Official, we believe in a sane transport clime with customer satisfaction our utmost priority.

App Store Play Store

App Store Play Store

About Us


Get a Bodaboda Official

Ride in few minutes

Using our user-friendly and responsive Bodaboda Official app not have to fret or worry too much about being too distant from the city or more populated areas.

Easy to use

The mobile app is user-friendly and easy to navigate even for a first-timer. Having gone through several beta testing, we have developed an app that is user-friendly, responsive and has only very little hardware requirements.

Cash OR Cashless payment

Our app is not only useful for requesting ride, but for payments as well. We are in sync with the technological advancements in payment systems and have developed our mobile app to comply accordingly.

